Hi! I’m David. I also go by dave/davidk.
I work on the things that make up cloud infrastructure, mostly tailored to all things Linux.
This page is a collection of pointers to my side projects, time permitting: mostly consisting of software, electronics and 3D printables.
GitHub has a bunch of things i’ve written over the years.
I have an interest in small embedded systems, so sometimes distributions and kernels that i’ve built end up there.
For circuits and PCBs, OSHPark’s shared projects has a bunch of things i’ve gotten fabricated.
If toys interest you:
Electroscope - A toy electroscope for visualizing charge, derived from a electrets video by vk2zay.
Another explanation is available via @rrmutt, who had a set of boards made (and tried it out):
For slightly more practical things:
The (now very out of date) stratum 1 NTP server has gotten attention over the years (and a lot of really great feedback, too):
It’s very out of date now, but there are several places that have updated builds. If you’re interested, satsignal.eu has tons of up-to-date information in this area.
And the somewhat obscure, but occasionally useful:
3D Printables
I’ve also dedicated a significant amount of time to producing enclosures for electronics, and other practical items.
- Thingiverse and YouMagine have release-level designs.
Sources usually appear under the Collector3 org since they don’t need full documentation.
Some of the designs have writeups here:
Printables out there in the world
Here are a few that i’ve spotted, or have spotted features for (i’m always really happy to see these, feedback is rare):
Hackaday: “Building the Perfect Home Router”: EspressoBin Case
noopkat’s IoT Tiara (Huzzah Electronics Case): Adafruit’s ESP8266 Breakout Board (Huzzah)
Featured, YouMagine: A modular Raspberry Pi Camera Enclosure
Featured, YouMagine: Miniature Camera Enclosure
I’m on twitter as @keyglitch (for completed things) and similarly on @keyglitch@mastodon.social for in-progress work.
If you need help, please ask and i’ll do my best to help.