Cases for Feathers

ESP8266 Feather Case with a SiLabs temperature sensor

These are 3D printable cases for Adafruit’s Feather series of development boards. They’re designed to be compact, unobtrusive and adaptable from prototyping to deployment.

About these cases

Three cases types are available for printing. One fits the ESP32, another is for the ESP8266 and one covers most of the Feather series (different rear pin types complicate the design).


The rear pins are cut in ‘half’ - the ESP32 module covers the rear mounting holes on the PCB so some filing might be needed to fit.

ESP32 Feather Case With Headers Attached


Other Feather cases

(Before using this, please take note of how large your board is – some will not fit due to rear pin center-to-center spacing)

General Feather Case

This case requires the following:

  • Overall PCB sizing (inches): 2” L x 0.9” W

  • Mounting hole center-to-center distances (inches): 1.8” (L side), 0.7” (W side)

Most of these details can be found in the documentation for the specific Feather board. For example, the Adalogger Feather (shown above).


Releases can be found on Thingiverse and YouMagine.